Weather & Tides


Met office weather forecast

The Met Office is the UK’s National Weather Service, providing internationally-renowned weather and climate science and services.

To view their official Inshore Forecast, click the button below, then accept cookies and select area 6 (North Foreland to Selsey Bill). The forecast is issued at midnight and updated every 6 hours thereafter, so is always up-to-date. 



NCI Folkestone now has it’s own weather station, sited at the Lookout on the East Cliff.


Folkestone tides

View today’s tide times and heights. Select BST or UST times via the slider on the Tide Times box. 


AIS English channel

Automatic Identification of Ships (AIS) shows all ships and other vessels passing through the Straights of Dover in real time, click on the ship and you will get more details about the vessel. The Straights are not the busiest in the world but are not far off being so.